Cell and molecular biology comprises substantial part of Cytotechnology Group activity. Projects are performed using wide range of modern methods at up-to-date technical level.
Cell culture procedures are executed in the proper setting as we have 2 separate boxes with laminars and CO2 chambers (Heraeus and NUAIRE).
Cells are analyzed and sorted on EPICS ALTRA cell sorter. Cellular and subcellular processess are monitored using Leica DM4000B and inverted Olympus IX51 microscopes capable of fluorescence imaging and equipped with high-resolution digital cameras (see microscope image gallery).
We have all necessary means for cryogenic preservation and storage of cells including Heraeus ultra-low temperature freezer and liquid nitrogen containers.
ELISA tools comprise StatFAX 3200 plate reader. Biochemical analyzer Clima MC-15 is used for routine biochemical tests.
Molecular biology research makes good use of PCR technologies (including real-time PCR), electroporation, as well as horyzontal and vertical electrophoresis equipped with gel detection system, and blotting.